Meet our Advocates
Honorees Pat Rowan, Joy Soodik, and Paul Morris share what advocacy means to them.
Learn about our program
These videos were presented during our event.
What a wonderful morning. Thank you for joining us to celebrate and support Yes She Can.
- Pat Rowan with trainees and mentors
- Maki checking in guests
- welcoming guests
- Nancy and Steve Glenner, parents of Yes She Can trainee.
- Paul Morris and his proud parents
- Paul Morris, Honoree
- Pat Rowan, honoree
- Debbie Hilibrand and Lori Ireland
- Scarsdale School District
- Dani and her mom
- Paul and Marjorie
- Volunteer NY Executive Director Alisa Kesten
- The Morris family with honoree Paul Morris
- Paul, Isabelle and Marjorie
- Kelli Fisher with Izzie P.
- Judy Omidvaran, past honoree, with Ellen Weinstein
- Liane Carter and Lisa Tidball
- Doris Perez and son Emil
- Girl AGain Manager Chandra Russell with Associate Dani Garrabrant
- Allan and Debra
- Amy Gravino
- Lisa and Isobel
- Yes She Can Board of Directors
- Autism Science Foundation: Alycia Halladay and Alison Singer with Yes She Can Marjorie Madfis and Amy Gravino
- CE George Latimer
- Evan Latainer and Michael Orth
- George Latimer and The Westchester Bank
- CE George Latimer, Marjorie Madfis and Paul Morris
- Enjoying breakfast at Arrowwood
- Adovcates for Adults with Autism with CE George Latimer
- George Latimer
- Fund raising
- Fund a need
- Marjorie Madfis
- Westchester County Commissioner for Community Mental Health Michael Orth
- Pat Rowan and MIchael Orth
- Alisa Kesten
- Adovate Joy Soodik
- Celebrating
- Celebrating
- Celebrating
- Paul Morris with Alison Singer
- Advocates
Thank You Sponsors
Thank you to our generous sponsors
Meet our Advocates for Adults with Autism
Joy Soodik
Managing Director and Chief Administrative Officer, Clarfeld Financial Advisors
As Managing Director and Chief Administrative Officer, Joy developed the infrastructure that enables Clarfeld to deliver its core commitment to quality client services.
Since joining Clarfeld in 1992, as the number of wealthy family and executive clients grew, and the total number of professional staff more than doubled, Joy managed the increasing demands of this position while shaping the culture of the firm.
Joy’s responsibilities include SEC compliance and reporting, risk management, human resources and administration, professional licensing supervision, strategic alliances, and mergers and acquisitions development. Recently, she played an integral advisory role on Citizen’s Financial Group’s acquisition of the firm.
Joy is a long tenured member of the firm’s Executive Committee and given the diversity and breadth of her experience also sits on the leadership committee responsible for the integration of the Citizens Financial Group deal.
She retains full supervision over the firm’s Technology, Human Resources, Compliance and Facilities departments. Her diverse expertise in a variety of crucial business functions makes her an integral part of the Clarfeld management team and one of the most senior representatives of the firm.
Joy’s take-charge style, mixed with her warmth and enthusiasm, make her a valued colleague and leader at the firm. She is a point of entry for the firm’s talent acquisition process, manages startup operations and provides consulting services to key clients.
She is a tremendous resource for the firm’s most highly regarded clientele as her solutions oriented mindset enables her to provide unique and successful resolutions for complex and multi-faceted UHNW client requests.
Joy is a frequent panelist for Charles Schwab and TD Ameritrade on matters of Compliance, Cyber Security and Human Capital.
Joy and her wife Susan enjoy spending time with their dogs Lulu and Bebe both in their Chelsea home and at their retreat on Long Island. She is also a fine wine enthusiast and collector.
Patricia Rowan, LMSW
Therapist, Advocate, Trainer, and Consultant for Parents, Teens and Adults on the Autism Spectrum
Upon graduation from Hunter School of Social Work in 1996, Pat launched her career working with individuals with autism. She served for six years as director of the TEACCH program for students with autism in kindergarten through age 21 at the Hallen School in New Rochelle, NY.
Pat then entered private counseling practice with a focus on families, teens, and young adults. She coaches and advises students who are transitioning from high school to adulthood and their families. She led many social groups for children and teens.
Realizing there was a lack of opportunities for young adults to meet and socialize, in 2007 Pat founded Opening Doors, a young adult group that met at ARC of Westchester. She facilitated the group for 10 years. This group runs coincidental with the Families of Adults with Asperger’s-High Functioning Autism. Recently Pat transitioned the leadership of Opening Doors to colleagues on upon her retirement.
In 2013, Pat joined Marjorie Madfis as a program adviser and coach for Yes She Can’s job skills training program. She served as a volunteer, coaching young women with autism at Girl AGain boutique. She also helped to develop the training curriculum and the assessment tools.
Pat is a founding and active member of the Westchester County Autism Advisory Committee, reporting monthly to the County Commissioner of Community Mental Health.
Prior to pursuing a career in social work, Pat had a successful 23-year career in business. She and her husband founded R & R Medical Transcription Service. They transcribed medical records for New York City Hospital and beyond.
Paul Morris
Paul was diagnosed as a child with an autism spectrum disorder and was non-verbal until age 5. He received interventions and services and graduated from high school. He then participated in the College Internship Program, which helped launch his path to independence.
Paul is now living independently in his own apartment in Westchester, NY. He holds several part-time jobs and takes the bus to work. Paul loves all sports and is a movie maven.
Paul is a sought-after speaker due to his ability to reflect on his experiences with charm and honesty. Paul is aware of his challenges as well as his strengths. And he especially enjoys explaining this and creating awareness and understanding of people with autism. He advocates for inclusion of children at school and for adults in our community.