Yes She Can Inc., a non-profit founded in 2013, is dedicated to helping young women with autism and related disabilities develop transferable job skills and workplace social skills – through authentic work experience. We serve teen girls in transition from high school to adulthood and young women with autism spectrum disorders in an inclusion setting at Girl AGain boutique.
We also seek to enlighten the community, businesses, and employees to be more respectful, accommodating, and inclusive of people with autism in the workforce. And, we hope to impact policy toward employment and disabilities.
Yes She Can Inc. is one of a few dozen new businesses now referred to as “autism employment entrepreneurship.” You can read more about this in the Autism Spectrum News spring 2014 edition.
Girl AGain is our first venture, leveraging passions and expertise of several young women with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), while addressing a market demand for gently used American Girl merchandise and the store experience.
Girl AGain staff sort, clean and prepare the merchandise, price it, and display it in our shop. They learn about researching, merchandising, inventory acquisition, marketing, sales, and customer service in addition to appropriate workplace behavior, collaboration and decision-making. We run monthly events like author book signings and doll hair styling workshops.
And we have lots of fun. You can see what’s happening daily when you “like” our Girl AGain Facebook page
You can help.
Girl AGain seeks donations of gently used American Girl brand dolls, doll clothing, furniture, accessories and books. Search your basement. Lead a collection drive with a social service group. Yes She Can volunteers will be happy to present to your organization.
We also are looking for volunteers who want to work in our store or with our staff in many capacities. We want and need an integrated inclusive work environment.
We welcome collaboration with transition and vocational service providers.

Marjorie Madfis, founder, and her daughter at the opening of Girl AGain boutique, February, 2014.