Meet Our Trainees

YSC Trainee Lorena Talks About our Mentorship Program

Danielle, form one of our first participants to employee!

Baneesha Employement Video

Yes She Can Executive Director Robin Davies-Small shares information about our Yes She Can training programs during Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month.

We introduce you to Sarah.

As part of the Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month, we launch these video series featuring Naomi,

Mara talks with pride about her many accomplishments and her hopes for the future.

Maki explains that as a trainee she learned very important skills like the ability to adjust to change and how to collaborate with others.

Meet Mo

Claire discovers that yes, she can.

Mackenzie and her mom Brigid

Meet Mara and Nancy

Colleen discovers her job skills

Jobs for Yes She Can trainees

Meet Cassidy Yes She Can

Meet Maki

Meet Isabelle: Yes She Can

Yes She Can trainees talk about hopes for jobs

What work means to me. Yes She Can!

Meet Alex. Yes She Can

Meet Vicky - Yes She Can
Women at work. It's what we do.

I wish I had these lessons! by Volunteer Roisin

Izzie goes to work.

Yes She Can program pivots during pandemic

Introducing Yes She Can work skills program for women with autism.

Meet Kelli, Peer Mentor

Meet Pat Rowan, Job Coach with Yes She Can

Can American Girl dolls teach job skills?

Japanese Prime Minister's wife visits Yes She Can