Marissa likes video games and drawing. Marissa is twenty-one years old. She lives in White Plains, New York. She has a sister named Katie. Marissa lives with her mother and father.
Marissa has autism but Marissa can face new challenges on her own. Marissa is a strong young woman with a lot of courage and faith. Sometimes, she gets scared and overwhelmed. Sometimes, Marissa doesn’t like loud noises and she had worried about this before starting back at school this fall. She is now a senior, so this is her fourth year in college. She worries how difficult the work will be but Marissa is determined to succeed. Marissa wants to go to computer classes because she is really good at computer technology and arts. Marissa likes animation and wants to work in animation.
Sometimes, Marissa has to go out of the classrooms to calm herself down. She cries but not a lot. She hugs her aid and goes to the bathroom to wipe the tears. She goes back to her classroom after that showing that she has a lot of courage and strength. Marissa is motivated to complete her classes and get great grades even though she is nervous sometimes.
Besides going to classes, Marissa is working on learning job skills at Girl AGain. Her peers at Girl AGain encourage her. Her peers offer to talk to her if she is upset and knows what that feels like. Marissa is happy that she got support from peers and her family so that she can be successful.
After a few weeks at school, the directions to each class got easier for Marissa. Marissa knows to be confident and not to get worried a lot about how to get to classes, the difficulty of each class, and the noises from other students. Marissa learned to go outside of the class if something is bothering her.
Her professors are really helpful and nice to Marissa. Some of the other students have also been helpful to Marissa. Now, she feels a bit more comfortable and relaxed. Marissa says, “Even though college is scary, education is worth fighting your fears.”
Alexandra B. is a college senior and a Yes She Can trainee.
We will have more successful women in this world thanks to the direction and guidance of the Girl Again program – These are women who may otherwise be unable to “make it” but are able to flourish and utilize their skills. Thank you Yes She Can……. b/c SHE CAN !