My name is Lauren Sadowski, and I just finished a four week internship volunteering at Girl AGain. My high school offers a program called “Senior Options”, where we can find an internship or work on an independent project starting in the middle of May. When I started to think about what I wanted to do […]
April’s Gift
On June 16, 2016 the interns at Girl AGain boutique opened three large boxes. And then this note accompanied them: Hello from Chicago. My name is April. When I was a young girl I dreamed of having an American Girl doll, but not just any doll, I dreamed of Felicity. My parents took me to […]
Girl AGain moves to White Plains
Girl AGain is our launch program for Yes She Can Inc. It’s a resale boutique for gently used American Girl dolls and all their fabulous outfits, furniture, accessories and books. This is where we work to develop job skills for young women with autism After nine months of business, Girl AGain has outgrown our tiny […]