Job Skills Still Needed
It’s true that the pandemic has resulted in businesses closing and employees losing jobs. But that is not forever. Businesses are reopening. Employers will be hiring. Now is a a good time to focus on developing and practicing the critical skills needed and desired by employers.
Adaptability – A Life Lesson
Since this March, Yes She Can has been operating our proven job skills development program remotely, using Zoom to coach trainees effectively. Our trainees are exercising their skills in flexibility, resilience, and perseverance. These are characteristic that will serve them well in life.
The Fall session starts on September 8th, and we will continue our program remotely. New participants will be given customized coaching to learn the essential skills and basic processes we use to prepare merchandise for sale at Girl AGain. The store reopened in June and customers are coming back. There is plenty of work for our trainees!
Continuing to Focus on Essential Skills for Employment Success
We continue to teach and coach acquisition of transferable skills that are applicable in most jobs. To be able to complete the assignments your manager has given you, you need to be able to:
- ask relevant questions,
- research possible solutions,
- make recommendations,
- make decisions,
- collaborate with peers,
- interact with supervisors,
- ask for help,
- accept critical feedback,
- shift from one priority to another,
- adapt to unexpected changes,
- cope with frustration, and much more.
We use the Girl AGain resale boutique as an authentic business that requires all of the above skills to keep it functioning. (The revenue from sales at Girl AGain helps to fund the job skills program). Trainees are still preparing merchandise for sale, working from home.
New Opportunities
Working away from the store has given us the opportunity to focus on skills not related to store operations, but also necessary for employment. We have added modules to our curriculum including:
- marketing strategies and techniques
- personal work skills and attributes assessment
- resume writing and developing a Linked In profile
- career exploration
- networking skills
Learn more about Yes She Can curriculum
Apply Now
Yes She Can job skills development program is approved as Transition Classes under NY State OPWDD and can be reimbursed from a participant’s self-directed budget.
We are accepting applications for our Fall sessions. Currently, intakes will be scheduled using Zoom and applicants may also visit our store, Girl AGain, in White Plains if they wish.
Please contact Lesli Cattan at for more information or to set up an intake. Download the Yes She Can Trainee Application Form
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