My name is Cassidy Harrison. I am an adult living with Autism. If you don’t know about autism, it is a Spectrum Disorder or Disability. What that means is that some people are affected by it more than others. For example some people with autism have no language and others can speak and understand people […]
Carly goes to work. By Ann Searle Horowitz
When my daughter, Carly, turned 16, she knew it was time to get a job. We had been talking this up for several years. “It’s what good, responsible citizens in our family do over the summer when they are 16,” we said with conviction. She knew we also expected her younger twin brothers to do […]
Lesli Cattan Appointed Director of Training Programs
Marjorie Madfis, President of Yes She Can Inc., a non-profit devoted to helping young women on the Autism Spectrum prepare for future employment, is pleased to welcome their new Director of Training Programs, Lesli Cattan. Lesli is responsible for launching the Autism Advisory Committee of the Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health. For the past […]
IDEA is for a lifetime
Currently there is a nominee being interviewed for her role as United States Secretary of Education that will have a huge impact on our society, not just on k-12 students. There are many issues being discussed with the nominee but the one that is of particular concern revolves around continued federal support for the Individuals […]
A wish for the new year
When Karen joined our Yes She Can job skills development program she had graduated from college but had no relevant job skills. As a young woman with an autism spectrum disorder she struggles with communication, problem-solving, being flexible and adapting to unpredictable changes. She’s highly motivated but these challenges could prevent Karen from getting or […]