For the past month, Yes She Can trainees have been working on a blog series where they have chosen their “dream customer” they would love to interact with at Girl AGain boutique.
The blog is a great opportunity for them to practice creative writing and show with their own words what have they learned and what skills they have applied as part of their training program. Through their words, they describe skills such as reading social cues, being polite, responding to customer service requests, and processing a sale. They also exhibit that even in the excitement of meeting someone famous – they have a job to do!
We hope you enjoy the blogs as much as the trainees did preparing them!
Once upon a time in White Plains, NY there was this boutique shop that sold American Girl dolls, their clothing, and books. The name of the shop was called Girl AGain. The American Girl dolls were donated and gently used.
One day a surprise customer was coming to shop on Wednesday between 1-4:00 in the afternoon.
Claudia– So Vanessa, would you like to help me with a customer at 2:45 pm? I think you may like this particular customer!
Vanessa– Yes Claudia, I’ll help with our mystery customer. I wonder which person I’m going to see!
Amanda– Vanessa, Mo, and Claire, guess what? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is coming to shop at Girl AGain at 2:45 pm! I heard from Marjorie that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s niece who loves American Girl dolls as well as classical music is asking for an American Girl doll for her first communion as a gift.
Vanessa– Amanda can I please help with greeting Mozart and processing a transaction for him and can Claudia help me with the Square transaction tool?
Amanda– By all means, Vanessa please do.
Vanessa– (smiles) Thanks, Amanda.
Amanda– You’re welcome Vanessa.
Kathy– Remember Vanessa, when you see Mozart, don’t hold his hands without permission. Try to give him some space while he is shopping. Don’t forget your fidget. Vanessa (gets her fidget so she remembers to give customers space.)
Claudia– (looks at her Apple watch and says) Ok Vanessa it’s 2:43 pm. 2 minutes until Mozart arrives. Do you feel that you’re ready?
Vanessa-I think so Claudia! (2:45 pm approaches and I hear the bell from the front door of Girl AGain. Whispers to Claudia) Hey, Claudia: Mozart’s at Girl AGain! My favorite classical music composer. Walks up to Mozart and says “Hi I’m Vanessa. Welcome to Girl AGain. If you need anything, I’m here if you need help.”
Mozart– Thanks. Um, Vanessa,
Vanessa– Yes Mr. Mozart?
Mozart– I am looking for a particular doll for my niece’s first Communion. I heard from one of my classical music colleagues who recommended Logan a male American Girl doll and another colleague of mine mentioned a Bitty Twin set. Can you show me where the Logan male doll and Bitty Twins are?
Vanessa– Yes Mr. Mozart the Bitty Twins are located where the Bitty Baby dolls are.
Mozart– (smiles) I think my niece would like a brown-haired Bitty Twin boy and girl and the Logan doll. These dolls are very cute.
Vanessa– I agree Mr. Mozart.
Claudia– (whispers to Vanessa) Are you ready to process Mr. Mozart’s transaction, Vanessa?
Vanessa– Yes Claudia, I’m ready. Mr. Mozart?
Mozart– Yes Vanessa
Vanessa– Are you ready to purchase your niece’s Logan doll and the Bitty Twin dolls?
Mozart– Precisely Vanessa. (walks toward the checkout which Claudia is sitting down)
Vanessa– Ok Mr. Mozart, Can I please have your address, phone number, and are you paying with cash or credit/debit card?
Claudia-(whispers to Vanessa) You’re doing a great job, Vanessa.
Mozart– (observes Vanessa’s neat gel-pen handwriting and says) I really like your handwriting Vanessa. It’s really legible.
Vanessa– Thanks, Mr. Mozart.
Mozart-(smiles) You’re quite welcome Vanessa. I will be paying with cash.
Vanessa– Ok Mr. Mozart. The total will also include sales tax. (Vanessa adds in the sales tax and the total comes out to be $150.00) Your total is $150.00, Mr. Mozart.
Mozart– (opens his highly polished black leather wallet and whips out 2 100 dollar bills) Here you go Vanessa.
Vanessa– (takes the 2 100 dollar bills and puts them into the cash register.) Your change would be $50.00.
Mozart– (takes the change and says) Thanks, Vanessa you were very helpful.
Vanessa– Mr. Mozart here is your receipt and the merchandise that you bought. (hands it to Mozart). Please come again soon!
(As Mr. Mozart is about to leave, Vanessa goes up to him and says Mr. Mozart, I really like your musical compositions. I am a huge fan and I hope someday you will win a Grammy Award!
Mr. Mozart– Wow Vanessa, thank you. I am beyond pleased that you said that to me. You just made my day!
Amanda– Well done, Vanessa. I am impressed with how you handled Mr. Mozart’s transaction.
Vanessa -(smiles) I hope Mr. Mozart comes back to our store as a regular Amanda.
Amanda– Me too Vanessa. Me too.
By Vanessa, Yes She Can Trainee
Vanessa – I am really proud of the work you put into this. I am always inspired by your curiosity and creativity!
Vanessa! This was so much fun to read! I could not wait for Mozart to visit the store and see what happens! Excellent writing!