So many young women with autism have very low self-esteem. But it's not surprising. Throughout their school years, they were told they can't. They can't pass the test. They can't join Girl Scouts. They can't control their behavior. They can't be included. They can't get a job.
Self-esteem is the feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities. Your self-esteem can affect whether you are able to recognize your strengths and capabilities, feel able to try new or difficult things, make decisions, assert yourself, and believe you matter.
Yet, once in the Yes She Can training program, our young women are given complex assignments, take responsibility, solve problems, assert their opinions, and help their peers. It takes a while for our young women to recognize their accomplishments and appreciate their capabilities.
We asked six of our participants to tell us what being part of Yes She Can has meant to them. Please listen.
Then, write a comment and tell Claire, Mara, Mo, Vanessa, Maki, and Sarah what you think!
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