Yes She Can trainee Colleen reflects on her summer and returning to the program at Girl AGain in September.

Colleen working on a project with summer campers
It’s been a summer filled with sun, surf, sand, and plenty of fun to go around! For three months, we’ve been enjoying ourselves-going to summer camp, seeing the latest movies, kickin’ it up at the beach or the pool, or just staying inside to do nothing but laze around and watch TV. But as the weather turns cooler and the leaves change their color, it’s time to enter a new year of school and jobs, and with it, nine months of some sweat, a little fun, and a lot of hard work.
I, for one, had a very eventful summer vacation. For a month and a half, I worked my very first paying job as a counselor for a summer camp in Little Neck, NY, working with kindergartners, some of whom were on the autistic spectrum. While it was fun, playing with the little tykes in the sun, I’m happy to be back working at Girl AGain.
My advice to girls:
You should be glad to be going back to school. I know it seems like a drag now, but school will do you guys good, especially if some of you are autistic. When you’re on the spectrum, having a stable everyday routine is calming. I like knowing what to expect everyday. That way I can be prepared for almost anything that might happen.
On another note, moderation is the key to living. If you did nothing but have fun all day long, sooner or later you’d get bored. When you have some work to do everyday, it makes whatever free time you have all the more sweeter. You need a balance of work and play in your daily lives to be at your best.
After the summer, I’m looking forward to pricing items, typing in inventory, and greeting customers both on the phone and in person. I’m also ecstatic to see all my friends/coworkers here at the store and catch up. We’re hoping to see you here at the shop soon. Here’s to the new year, and keeping our worlds in balance!
Alex is happy to have her colleague, Colleen, back at work with her.
This brought tears of happiness to my eyes! I have watched Colleen grow and I am so very proud of her and all the wonderful things she has accomplished! A big thank you to all who have helped all these girls to be the successes they are! ❤