On April 7th 2020 Pat Salner, a Yes She Can board member, led a yoga session for Yes She can participants. Pat is a certified yoga instructor based in Connecticut. She’s also my auntie.
How does yoga help us?
Yoga helps us by staying calm and relaxed. It affects my brain by thinking more clearly. I feel more courage and strength.
How did everyone participate from home?
Because of the covid – 19 virus our Yes She Can Program can no longer operate at Girl AGain. Our training program is now online. All of the Yes She Can staff and trainees joined in by Zoom which is an app on your tablet or device to see people’s faces. Everyone had a chair and dressed in comfy clothes.
What were some of the techniques Pat demonstrated?
The instructor demonstrated breathing, posture, stretches, and my favorite meditation.
How did you feel after the session?
I felt relaxed and lived the dream and wished it could last forever.
What did the other participants feel?
- Mara felt good doing the yoga. “I enjoyed thinking of things in my head when pat told us to do it.”
- Maki found yoga class interesting
- Jennifer felt good
- Vicky said it was her first time and wants to do it again
What would you try to do yourself?
Probably work on my posture, meditation, and breathing.
How was this session different from all other ones?
I think this session was different from the other yoga sessions I did because the more yoga classes I did and/or do the more relaxed I felt.
By Izzie
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