Trainees, coaches, and customers are all saying “We need more space!” Indeed we do! After 7-plus years at our current Girl AGain location, we have outgrown the 750-square-foot store on Martine Avenue. So we called our broker who found another great opportunity in downtown White Plains that met our criteria. Things happened very fast. I […]
Sarah Sold a Space Station!
We were all excited when we received a donation of the American Girl Space Station. This was the featured item from the collection of Luciana Vega, 2018 Girl of the Year. Luciana is a 12-year-old girl who aspires to be the first person to explore Mars. The space station, which comes with dozens of accessories, […]
Transition to Employment – Summer Intensive
Get ready for the world of work Teens and young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and related social and learning disabilities have unique challenges that hinder their participation in the workforce. Conventional internships are not designed to provide the teaching methods and intensive coaching as well as the social and emotional support they need […]
Japanese Delegation Visits Yes She Can Autism Program
September 19, 2017 Mrs. Akie Abe, wife of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mrs. Masako Takahashi, wife of Ambassador Takahashi, Consul General of Japan in NY and their delegation from the Japanese consulate visited Girl AGain boutique in White Plains, NY, to observe and learn about a unique job skills development program for young women […]
“How Do I Know?”
“How do I know when you’re done talking to me?” While receiving instructions from her coach at Girl AGain, Maki, a recent college graduate, asked her coach to explain this to her. Understanding other people’s intentions is especially challenging for people with autism. But at work we need to be able to react and respond […]